Peter H. Diamandis BLOG - Upgrade Your Mindset.

School is Failing Our Kids: Time to DITCH the Dated Education System!

Written by Peter H. Diamandis | Jun 8, 2023

I think today’s middle/high school education is failing us.

As humanity accelerates, driven by exponential advancements in AI, robotics, 3D printing, AR/VR and biotechnology, it's crucial to ask ourselves:

“Are our schools, specifically middle schools and high schools, adequately preparing our children for the future?”


In my opinion (as a father of two 12-year-olds), our education system is still clinging to the outdated methods of the past while the world moves forward at breakneck speed.

The core issue at hand is that schools continue to “teach to the test," emphasizing content that was important 30 years ago but has since become obsolete.

So, who is deciding what our kids should learn? And why aren't they focusing on the future they're about to inherit?

Rather than teaching our kids to memorize facts and figures, we need to cultivate key mindsets and tools that will empower them to thrive in the age of AI.

What mindsets and tools specifically? Well, how about these:

Purpose and Passion: Children should be encouraged to discover their passions, and possibly find their purpose, setting them up for a future of lifelong learning.

Debate: Our kids must learn to engage in respectful, constructive debates, sharpening their critical thinking skills and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives.

Leadership: As the leaders of tomorrow, our children need to develop the skills and confidence to guide others through an ever-changing world.

Asking Great Questions: Instead of merely memorizing answers, students should be taught to ask insightful questions that challenge assumptions and spark innovation.

Curiosity: Encouraging curiosity and a love for exploration will drive our kids to continually seek out new knowledge and experiences.

Abundance and Solution-Oriented Thinking: By fostering a mindset of abundance, our children will become solution-oriented, focusing on overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities.

Critical Thinking and First Principles Thinking: Developing critical thinking skills and learning to break down complex problems into their fundamental principles will empower our kids to tackle the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.

Exponential Thinking: Understanding that we humans are linear thinkers in an exponential world, and having our children understand the implications to society (both good and bad) of such exponential change is critical for their future.

I recently asked ChatGPT to list the traits our kids would benefit from possessing in a fast-changing world of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

The answer was perfect.

Check it out...

Adaptability: Being open to change and having the ability to quickly adapt to new circumstances will be crucial. The AGI landscape may bring about unprecedented advancements and challenges, requiring people to learn and adjust rapidly.

Continuous Learning: Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning will be essential. Keeping up with the latest developments in AGI, acquiring new skills, and staying informed will help individuals stay relevant and make informed decisions.

Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze information, evaluate its credibility, and think critically will be invaluable. AGI will likely bring about complex challenges and ethical dilemmas, requiring individuals to navigate through them thoughtfully.

Emotional Intelligence: Interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence will remain essential in an AGI world. Building and maintaining strong relationships, collaborating effectively with others, and understanding diverse perspectives will be crucial for success.

Ethical Awareness: With AGI, ethical considerations will become increasingly important. Understanding the potential impact of AGI on society, being aware of the ethical implications, and making responsible choices will be crucial for a sustainable and equitable future.

Resilience: The AGI world may bring uncertainties and disruptions. Developing resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, and adapt to changing circumstances will be valuable traits for individuals to thrive in such an environment.

Pretty impressive for a chatbot...

I think we need to disrupt our current education system and reinvent it from the ground up. This means questioning long-held beliefs about teaching and learning, breaking free from outdated methods, and embracing new approaches tailored to our modern world.

It also requires collaboration between educators, policymakers, parents, and students to ensure that the changes we make are meaningful and effective.

The change will come, one way or another.

The bottom line is that our current education system is trapped in the past and is now failing our kids, leaving them unprepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

We have a responsibility to demand change, to advocate for an education system that empowers our children to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

It's time to disrupt the status quo, to reinvent the way we teach and learn, and to equip our kids with the tools and mindsets they need to succeed in the future.