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Each week my team and I review dozens of science and tech advancements that are transforming the world...

Below, I’m sharing my top 4 breakthroughs in tech, science, and longevity that are currently on my mind—"what they are” and “why I think they’re important.” 

This is “Data-Driven Optimism” in action. My goal is to offer you an antidote to all the pessimistic news you’re bombarded with every day.  

If you find this valuable, please share it with your family and friends! Remember that we are living during the most extraordinary time ever.


3D Print Your Next Home: Better & Cheaper

What It Is: ICON and Lennar Homes are 3D printing 100 homes in Texas. ICON's Vulcan 3D printer, a crane-like robot, extrudes concrete layer by layer to build walls in just 3 weeks. The 1,574 - 2,112 sq. ft. homes, designed with Bjark Ingels Group, feature 3 - 4 bedrooms and solar panels. Priced at $450K - $600K, 25% are already sold. To tackle housing affordability, ICON has launched “Initiative-99,” aiming next for sub-$99K homes. This groundbreaking project showcases 3D printing's potential to revolutionize construction—promising faster, cheaper, and more sustainable homebuilding solutions.

Why It Matters / What I Think: When Jason Ballard (ICON’s CEO) presented at the Abundance Summit earlier this year, I was blown away. His tech lays out a 6D’s vision for housing: digitizing, demonetizing and democratizing. Using ICON’s technology, you’ll be able to customize your home (designed by the top AI Architect), size it to any dimension, and have it built cheaper and faster than any other conventional means. This breakthrough slashes construction time, reduces cost and waste, and showcases the potential for customized, efficient housing at scale. This is abundance in action, transforming the real estate industry and improving lives worldwide.


Elon Wants to Win the AI Race: xAI’s Grok-2 

What It Is: xAI's Grok-2 model was released this past week, outperforming versions of Anthropic's Claude and OpenAI's GPT-4 in some categories, and showcasing significant improvements in reasoning, tool use, and academic benchmarks. Of greatest interest—powered by Black Forest Lab's Flux 1—Grok-2 now generates images directly on X, with very few (if any) copyright protections, allowing X users to generate photo realistic images with a simple prompt in seconds. With its multimodal understanding, xAI aims to revolutionize content analysis, searches, and creation, increasing its standing in the AI race.

Why It Matters / What I Think: I would never bet against Elon. When xAI raised $6 billion at a $24 billion valuation just 3 months ago, Elon pledged to build the biggest and fastest AI company on Earth, and now he’s delivering. Grok-2's ability to reason, use tools, and generate images directly on X is a paradigm shift. With Elon's vision, xAI's talent, and X's vast real-time data, we're witnessing the birth of a new era in AI. Also, with the removal of the guardrails on images, seeing is no longer believing. The implications are staggering—and society needs to begin defaulting to “disbelief.” The AI race is heating up, and xAI has just thrown down the gauntlet. If you haven’t tried Grok 2.0 image generation yet, give it a spin... 


Prompt: Please generate a photo realistic image of the Starship Enterprise a few hundred meters above the city of San Francisco. 


Prompt: Please generate a photo of Elon Musk holding up a sign that says, “Attend the Abundance Summit!”


AI Revolutionizes Walmart: 100x Productivity Boost

What It Is: Walmart CEO Doug McMillon unveiled a groundbreaking use of Generative AI during the company’s Q2 earnings call. Walmart’s Gen AI now updates 850 million product catalog entries 100 times faster than human methods. Customers benefit from AI-powered search and a shopping assistant on Walmart's app and website, offering personalized advice like TV recommendations for sports viewing. The company is also testing an AI-driven marketplace seller experience. McMillon emphasized Walmart's commitment to exploring AI across all business operations, signaling a transformative shift in retail efficiency and customer experience. This 100x productivity increase demonstrates AI's potential to revolutionize large-scale business operations, raising questions about future workforce dynamics.

Why It Matters / What I Think: Walmart's AI integration shows us what’s possible across all industries. This 100x productivity boost in catalog management is just the tip of the iceberg. By 2030, I'm convinced there will be two types of companies: Those that are fully AI-powered, and those that are extinct. Walmart's all-in approach, from customer-search to seller-support, showcases what is possible. If you’re a CEO, executive or entrepreneur, your job is to figure out what part of your business you can 100x... before your competition does. Are you ready to adapt or risk obsolescence?


Memory Reboot: UCLA's Alzheimer's-Reversing Molecule Sparks Hope

What It Is: UCLA researchers have demonstrated restoring cognitive function and restoring memory circuits in mice with a novel molecule (DDL-920). The study aims to "flip the switch" in the brain's memory circuitry, targeting parvalbumin interneurons, enhancing gamma oscillations crucial for memory. Alzheimer's model mice treated with DDL-920 performed similarly to healthy mice in maze tests. This breakthrough could revolutionize treatment, potentially restoring cognition rather than merely slowing decline.

Why It Matters / What I Think: Everyone’s greatest fear of living to 150 years old is being slobbering, brainless, in a wheelchair. Beyond slowing cognitive decline, if DDL-920 can actually “restore memories”... it’s a watershed moment for humanity’s fight against Alzheimer's and age-related cognitive decline. I believe this breakthrough exemplifies how exponential technologies are accelerating our ability to extend healthspan and lifespan. As AI revolutionizes drug discovery and personalized medicine, we're on the cusp of transforming age-related diseases from inevitable to preventable. Personally, I’ll be keeping an eye on treatments like DDL-920. 


Live Abundantly, 

Peter H. Diamandis, MD


Want to learn about how to increase your healthspan? And identify the top longevity-related investment opportunities available?

If yes, then consider joining me on my 2024 Platinum Longevity Trip.

I'm running two VIP trips I call my “Platinum Longevity Trip” covering top scientists, startups, labs, and CEOs in San Francisco and San Diego. I do the same trip twice for up to 40 participants: Sept. 11 - 15, 2024 or Oct. 9 - 13, 2024.

Each trip is a 5-Star/5-Day deep dive into the cutting-edge world of biotech/longevity and age-reversal.

We’ll cover everything from Advanced Regenerative Medicine (AI Drug Discovery, CRISPR, Gene Therapies, etc.) and Disease Management Breakthroughs (Cancer, Genetic Diseases, Diabetes, etc.) to the latest research on the Longevity Basics including how to improve sleep, diet, exercise, and supplements, among others.

You’ll meet with 35 of the most extraordinary scientists, entrepreneurs and leaders shaping the longevity revolution. Here are just a few of them: 

  • Hal Barron, MD: CEO, Altos Labs (Backed by Yuri Milner & Jeff Bezos)

  • Joe Betts-LaCroix: CEO, Retro Biosciences (Backed by Sam Altman)

  • Dr. Catriona "Cat" Jamieson, MD, PhD: UCSD (Cancer Stem Cells research) 

  • Blake Byers, PhD: Co-Founder & CEO, NewLimit (Backed by Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong + Blake Byers)

  • Eric Verdin, MD: CEO, Buck Institute (World’s leading Longevity Institute)

  • Stefanie Strathdee, PhD: UCSD (Global authority on Phage research)

  • Helen Messier, PhD/MD: Chief Medical Officer, Fountain Life

  • And many more!

Both trips are identical (capped at 40 participants per trip), during which I spend all 5 days with you as your private guide and provocateur. Through this personalized, action-packed program, my mission is to give you exclusive, first-hand exposure to the major players, scientists, companies, and treatments in the longevity and vitality arena.

Here's what you get

  • All your questions about longevity answered

  • Early investment opportunities to extraordinary biotech startups

  • First-hand insights into the latest longevity breakthroughs and research

  • Early access to advanced diagnostics, state-of-the art therapeutics

  • Exclusive wellness experiences including HIIT/equipment workouts, wearable devices, meditation & breathwork

If you want to learn more about the Platinum Longevity Trip, go here, indicate your interest and we’ll set up an interview!



Viome tells me exactly what foods I should be avoiding or eating based on my test results. I no longer have to think about what supplements I should be taking because they custom make the supplements with the nutrients I need and with the dosage I need.

The results have been stellar—I sleep better, have more energy, and no longer experience digestive issues.  

Viome’s groundbreaking research paper in iScience blew me away with its ability to measure biological markers of aging using 1 million samples. Their paper in the American Journal of Lifestyle showed over 30% improvements in diabetes, weight loss, depression, IBS, and anxiety, proving the effectiveness of their precision approach.

I highly recommend Viome to everyone for their health and longevity. Order Viome today.

A Statement From Peter:

My goal with this newsletter is to inspire leaders to play BIG. If that’s you, thank you for being here. If you know someone who can use this, please share it. Together, we can uplift humanity.



Peter H. Diamandis, MD, currently serves as the Founder and Chairman of the Board of the XPRIZE Foundation. All views expressed on his “Moonshots Podcast,” “Abundance Blog,” and on his social channels are strictly his own and do not represent the official views of XPRIZE. These views are his own and are not legal, financial, or medical advice and they are not in any way connected with the XPRIZE Foundation’s work or its competitions.

Peter H. Diamandis

Written by Peter H. Diamandis


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