Today, we all have unprecedented power to make a positive impact on the planet.
Over the last couple of weeks, it’s been my pleasure to share with you the 5 Grand Challenge areas that we are focusing on for the XPRIZE Visioneering 2018 Design Challenge.
We’re excited to see how you would design competitions to solve these massive challenges. To date, competitors in 180 different countries have registered (92 percent of the world!).
If you’re interested in learning more about how I think about incentivizing innovation and grand challenges, join me on Tuesday July 17th from 12 - 1 PM PDT.
I will be hosting a live webinar -- the last in this series -- on incentive prizes, along with Dr. Jyotika Virmani, Senior Director of the Planet & Environment Domain at XPRIZE.
We’ll be discussing the Grand Challenge Area of Natural Disaster Prediction, with a goal to share some insider tips specific to designing a game-changing prize related to the environment.
Whether you are an innovator living in America or American Samoa, Syria or Switzerland, Canada or China, you have the power to design an XPRIZE competition that can transform the lives of billions of people.
Topics: food agriculture XPRIZE poverty